Empower, Equip, Encourage Women to Lead Balanced, Purposeful Lives.
Lake Hallie
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Purposeful Partner
What It Is
The Women with Purpose “Purposeful Partner” (PP) is a local non-profit organization that is chosen by Women with Purpose on a monthly basis during the season (September – May). The attendees of the Women with Purpose monthly luncheon are encouraged to bring donated items and/or cash donations according to the list of needs provided by the Purposeful Partner.
What Your Organization Receives
During the month your organization is featured as the Purposeful Partner, you will receive the following benefits:
- 1 Free lunch
- Free publicity (website, social media, slideshow, emails)
- Display at the Purposeful Partner table
- Networking opportunity before and after lunch
- Cash and items donated by Women with Purpose attendees
If you have any questions, please contact Connie Szak by email at connie@wwpwi.org
2023-24 Balance Builder
We hear a lot about SELF-CARE, but do we really know what that looks like? Here are a few suggestions:
- Reading a good book
- Getting out in nature
- Going for a pedicure
- Going to the doctor for that physical or check-up you’ve put off for way too long
- Picking up that hobby you dropped because you were too busy
- Grab coffee with a girlfriend or loved one
Think of something that makes you feel cared for or that brings you joy and do that! Care for yourself! You are always pouring so much into others. Let’s pause this month and do something to take care of YOU!
And remember to share these great ideas on Facebook so we can encourage others to do the same.
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Women with Purpose, Lake Hallie © 2018